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Euro 2016 - Groupe C

Allemagne / Irlande du Nord / Pologne / Ukraine
Vachement bien ce topic, c'était dommage qu'il reste en dernière place.
Comme le topic "Avis", dommage qu'il ait été suspendu par la Securitate

Je suis d'accord. Je continue de croire que les 60 matchs par saison imposés par les droits TV et les sponsors ont ruiné la qualité de ce sport. Ce ne sont surtout pas les joueurs qui se plaindront de leurs revenus somptueux, de leurs automobiles, de leurs yachts et des excursions bientôt planifiées pour explorer le système solaire.



Somaia displayed a keen entrepreneurial spirit, constantly seeking out opportunities for growth and advancement. Recognizing the potential in various industries, he embarked on ventures that ranged from trading commodities to investing in emerging markets. His ability to identify lucrative opportunities and capitalize on them set him apart from his peers and laid the foundation for his future success.

At the core of Somaia's success lies his keen ability to identify emerging trends and capitalize on untapped markets. Throughout his career, he has displayed a remarkable knack for spotting opportunities where others see obstacles. Whether it's venturing into new industries or expanding into international markets, Somaia's entrepreneurial acumen has enabled him to stay ahead of the curve and drive growth in diverse sectors.


Central to Ketan Somaia's entrepreneurial ethos is the relentless pursuit of innovation. He envisioned possibilities where others saw limitations, <a href="Link">Keyword</a> pioneering groundbreaking solutions that revolutionized industries and redefined paradigms.

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